Lily Scoubidou
Double Asiatic Lily Lily Scoubidou has multiple upward facing flowers with deep pumpkin orange petals that turn a lighter golden oran…
Double Asiatic Lily Lily Scoubidou has multiple upward facing flowers with deep pumpkin orange petals that turn a lighter golden orange towards the centre. Scoubidou produces extra-large double flowerswhich are pollen free. Ht 80cm.
Asiatic lilies will grow in most soils but prefer a well-drained alkaline soil.
They are also very happy in pots /containers , planted in Johns Innes soil based compost not peat compost.
Arrange the Lilies in an odd-number grouping. Plant the bulbs about 12-20cm. Plant the bulbs with 10-15cm (4-6") of soil above them.