Garlic Garcua
Garlic 'Garcua' is a soft neck type garlic bulb which produces cloves which are easily stored and split for cooking. Garlic 'Garcua' produces bul…
Garlic 'Garcua' is a soft neck type garlic bulb which produces cloves which are easily stored and split for cooking. Garlic 'Garcua' produces bulbs which have a distinctive strong flavour and can be used fresh or they can be stored for up to a year and eaten both raw or cooked.
- How to grow Garlic 'Marco':
- Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Marco is thought of as very hardy, so this plant will tend to survive through freezing conditions. Marco tends to grow best in a soil ph
Customer Reviews 2 Reviews Write a Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Great 1st Garlic Harvest
Planted Oct 21, 2023 in partially covered Trug - harvested June 15, 2024. The plants had fallen over so I pulled them a wee bit early - very happy with my first garlic harvest.
Garlic Marco
All good so far, planted 4 bulbs late Oct and all are shooting up.