Biodegradable Leaf Sack
Not everyone has a compost bin and if you do, it might not be big enough to accommodate the huge amount of leaves which one small tree can p…
Not everyone has a compost bin and if you do, it might not be big enough to accommodate the huge amount of leaves which one small tree can produce.
Our jute sack can hold thousands of fallen leaves. Once filled, do what the name says; simply Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em in a corner of the garden.
The leaves and the sack are biodegradable and you will have [already delivered!], that corner stone of green gardening – wonderful compost.
Size 40cm x 70cm (16in x 27in)
Customer Reviews 4 Reviews Write a Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Leaf bags
These leaf bags a handy but are a lot smaller than I was expecting. A great way to collect a winter garden full of leaves but would be great if they were bigger.
Handy and helpful to the environment
What a great idea - wish I knew about these sooner! Much better than reusing old garden product sacks! Filled 10 bags at the weekend. Can't wait to get the leaf mulch now
A good green activity
Children had great fun filling the sacks with fallen leaves. now we just have to have patience to wait until Spring!